Jahrzeit of the Holocaust in Mszana Dolna

9.09.2024 marks the Jahrzeit of those who perished in the mass execution at Pańskie on 19.08.1942. A jahrzeit is an anniversary of a death in Jewish tradition; we will soon learn more about this, we plan to elaborate on this topic when we conclude this year's edition of the ‘Story of the Jewish Cemetery in Mszana Dolna’ project.
Today we wish to remember our murdered sisters and brothers, and among them so many children! 1/3 of the Victims had not reached the age of eighteen! Half of them were under the age of ten!
During more than 20 years of our work for the remembrance in Mszana Dolna, we managed to collect a few dozen photographs of the Victims' faces. This is only a small part, there were at least 10 times more. However, it is important that we can recall at least some of them. Young and old, women and men. Old people and little children! Our pre-war fellow citizens, neighbours, friends, newcomers, who wished to find a safe place in Mszana Dolna  and found a cruel death.
May the memory of all those, so horribly murdered, be blessed!