Bat mitzvah of Chana Miriam, daughter of Avraham Taylor, a descendant of the Rebhun family
Shalom Rebhun, grandson of Amalia and David Pesach of Mszana Dolna, celebrated his 90th birthday, and the daughter of his grandson, Avi, Chana Miriam, her Bat Mitzvah.
A Bat Mitzvah is a celebration of a girl's entry into religious duties in Judaism. This occurs when she turns 12 years old. The analogous ceremony for boys is the Bar Mitzvah, at the age of 13. One can see a certain analogy with the Christian ceremony of Confirmation, known as the sacrament of maturity, although it is something completely different. To Chana Miriam, we also extend our warmest greetings to Shalom and Miriam, and Tamar, Avi's wife - whom we had the opportunity to meet in person. To Avi, thank you for the beautiful photographs, the news and all the warmth!
Photos by Wojtek Wasilewski