80th Anniversary of the Holocaust in Mszana Dolna
On 21-22.08.2022, celebrations were held in our town to commemorate the 80th Anniversary of the Holocaust, the most tragic act of which took place in Mszana Dolna on 19.08.1942 (the 6th elul according to Jewish reckoning), when nearly a thousand people of Jewish origin from Mszana Dolna, the surrounding area and elsewhere were murdered in a mass execution on Panskie Hill. Due to the Sabbath falling on both Aug. 19, 2022, and on Yorcajt, we moved our - organized in cooperation with the Mszana Dolna City Hall, Zagórzan Areas, the Municipal Cultural Center, the Municipal Library and the Gorce Scouts - celebrations to the following days. The first was dedicated to showing how much we lost with the Holocaust: we presented the beauty of Jewish culture. Thus, there was a guided tour of the Jewish cemetery, workshops of Hebrew (but also medieval calligraphy - the day was held under the theme of meeting cultures), an exhibition of Jewish cut-outs and other works related to Jewish culture and history. We told about selected Jewish holidays, served holiday foods (rugelach, hamantash, challah), hummus in 3 flavors, made together a salad of pomegranates, apples, carrots and nuts with honey for the Jewish New Year - it was very popular. Children played dreidel for candy, scouts organized an urban game in the footsteps of Mszana's Jewish residents, and finally honey was poured into our hearts by the Klezmorim Trio band performing the most beautiful Jewish songs. Local specialties prepared by regional activists were also available for purchase at the fair. The day ended with a joint dinner with the arriving descendants of Mszan (and not only Mszan) Jews.
On the second day of the celebrations we mourned our Jewish co-residents at 2 memorial sites: at the monument to the Victims of mass execution, renovated by our Shtetl Mszana Dolna Foundation (with the support of the Jewish Historical Institute Association and the Ministry of Culture, descendants and other Contributors), and at the Jewish cemetery, where thanks to the co-funding of the PZU Foundation and the contributions of descendants and many people of good will, in cooperation with the "Forgotten" Foundation, the Rabbinical Commission for Cemeteries, the Provincial Monument Conservator and the Jewish Religious Community in Cracow, we commemorated previously unknown dozens of Holocaust Victims. The ceremony was opened by Jakub Antosz-Rekucki with his original song "Waltz of Memory" dedicated to the Victims. Cantor Avraham Taylor, a descendant of the Mshan Rebhun family, arrived from Israel to add splendor to the ceremony. The Jewish prayer for the dead, Kaddish, was recited by Saul Chapnick from the US, a descendant of the Geller family. On the Catholic side, a beautiful reflection alluding to the Book of Job - but also bringing hope - was said and the prayer recited by Father Pastor Jerzy Raźny of St. Michael Parish. Also present was the pastor of the second parish in Mszana, of Divine Mercy, Tadeusz Mrowiec. We were honored by many esteemed guests:
The chairman of the GWŻ in Krakow, Tadeusz Jakubowicz
Ms. Consul Dr. Ursula Maier from the Consulate of the Federal Republic of Germany in Krakow
A delegation of Limanowa County authorities: Ms. Agnieszka Orzeł, Janusz Potaczek, Bolesław Jania
Delegation of the Mszana Dolna Municipality: Mayor Bolesław Żaba, his deputy Katarzyna Szybiak and Chairman of the Municipality Council Jan Chorągwicki
Representative of the Institute of National Remembrance in Krakow, Ms. Marta Gorajczyk Wożniak
Delegation of the Słupsk Cultural Center with the Director of the Słupsk Cultural Center, Jolanta Krawczykiewicz
Authorities of the City of Mszana Dolna with the Mayor Mrs. Anna Pękała, rally chairwoman of the City Council, Janina Flig and councilman Bogdan Surówka
Delegation of the Dialogue Forum - Jagoda Szkarłat, Hanna Gospodarczyk, Piotr Banasik
Delegation of the "Forgotten" Foundation in the person of Mrs. Iwona Lewandowska
Delegation of the Club of Christians and Jews "Przymierze" - Mrs. Anna Sieprawska and Maria and Janusz Poniewierski
Delegation of the Primary School No. 1 in Mszana Dolna
The Gorce Scouts with Hm. Ewa Jasinska, Grzegorz Jasinski
Collaborating Dialogue Leaders and Friends from many places in Poland, our wonderful volunteers and numerous local residents
Most important, however, was the presence of the descendants of the Mszan Jews and the few survivors. They came to us from Israel, the USA, Nowy Sacz:
Hanna Weissberger, daughter of the founder and designer of the monument on Pansky, Kuba Weissberger, granddaughter of the murdered Samuel, niece of Lusia and Lola resting in the collective mgila
Leba Stern Sonnenberg, granddaughter of Leba Fejga and Nachum Stern resting on Pansky, niece of Naftali, murdered in Rabka, daughter of the surviving Izydor Stern
Granddaughter of Rosa and Lipman Borger resting here, niece of Bernard Borger, who was killed with his parents, Shoshana Rosenberg with her family: husband Yehuda, daughter Shiri with her husband Roie, and children Linoy, Nitai and Gaya Schlissenberg
Daughters of Holocaust survivor Yurek Streimer, who nevertheless mourned here with 13 family members killed in the Holocaust, Rachel Segal Arama, Ayala Rubinstein with husband Zvika and Ofra Rosenstein