Painting workshops at the Jewish cemetery in Mszana Dolna


On the last sunny Sunday of this summer, 22.09.2024, our Sztetl Mszana Dolna Foundation organised a painting workshop at the Jewish cemetery in Mszana Dolna. It was led by Magdalena Komenza-Regnard: a Romanist, guide and visual artist with whom we had the pleasure of working for the umpteenth time.

Three generations of inhabitants of Mszana Dolna and the surrounding are – from pre-schoolers to retired citizens, including whole families – took up the challenge and came to our historic necropolis to capture and record its beauty. To show that caring for it is our common cause! We began the meeting by commemorating those resting in the cemetery and those murdered during the Shoah. We recited a Psalm and lit a remembrance candle.

There were more people willing to take up the challenge of painting than had initially signed up, but those who lacked an easel managed without one, on a simple pad; everyone was welcomed to join in. Those who were initially only to accompany family members also grabbed their brushes and paints. Watercolour works, works in pencil, sketches and landscapes, and even poetic visions of the Mszana Jewish cemetery were created.

After the work, the artists met at a common table for lunch, where conversations continued, friendships were made and impressions were shared.

The workshop was part of our project ‘The Story of the Jewish Cemetery in Mszana Dolna. Edition 2024’

All the works made during the workshops, will be presented in the Municipal Library in Mszana Dolna during the summary of the project, on 25.10.2024 at 5 p.m. We already invite you to this event, during which we will also tell you a bit about the commemorance practices in judaism.

The event is held under the Honorary Patronage of Mayor Agnieszka Orzeł

Subsidised by the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage as part of the programme of the National Heritage Institute – Together for Heritage