Clean-up work at the Jewish cemetery
On 13.09.2024, a group of 30 volunteers – mostly students from Primary School No. 2 in Mszana Górna, with the Headmistress, Ewelina Płachczyńska-Struś and Mrs Marta Malarz – cleaned up the Jewish cemetery on Zakopiańska Street. We have no words of praise for their commitment! Hard-working young people, wonderful teachers and parents who not only agreed to do this work, but also drove their children to and from the cemetery! Many thanks! Marta Kubies and Kamil Stróźyński were also with us; we bow low to them as well. We collected almost 20 bags of waste, grass etc.!
Before starting work, the volunteers were trained by Jakub Antosz-Rekucki on the rules of behaviour at Jewish cemeteries, how to show respect to the dead, the importance of the mitzvah towards those who can no longer repay.
After the exhausting work, the youngsters ate the ordered pizza with an appetite, and the adults met for lunch and the lighting of candles together. There was also the traditional Friday challah.
The clean-up was a preparation before Sunday's guided tour of the Jewish cemetery in Mszana Dolna on Zakopiańska Street. This is our participation in the European Heritage Days this year.
We would like to thank Zakład Gospodarki Komunalnej for mowing the cemetery grounds in advance, and Mayor Agnieszka Orzeł for commissioning this work 🙂 .
Co-financed by the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage within the framework of the National Heritage Institute programme - Together for Heritage